Client Testimonials

Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust

“How many times have you sat through a PR agency pitch when the MD comes in, promises you the earth and then is never seen again?  This will never happen with PR Matters. The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust has worked with Pat for a decade and has been constantly delighted by not only the excellent national, regional and local coverage that she has secured for the Trust but also the  practical advice and support that she offers on a day to day basis.”

“Pat is highly respected by journalists and is used by many members of the Guild of British Travel Writers as a source of stories and images.  My only criticism of Pat is that she needs to stop working such long hard hours for us; it makes me feel very guilty when I see that she has been replying to a journalist ‘out of hours’ to ensure deadlines are met.”

Paul Gossage, Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust

Combe House Devon
“PR Matters have helped us to secure planned, targeted media; they have assisted in vetting media that have approached us so that when we host a visit we are confident that we are not wasting time, money or effort and we are able to focus on their particular interests. Finally and most importantly, PR Matters have always been entirely trustworthy, reliable and a constant friend.”

Ken & Ruth Hunt, Combe House Devon